There are many factors that can make home remodeling expensive.  You must take into consideration that the company you hire to do any kind of home remodel or renovation did not build your house, so there are going to be some surprises along the way. New home construction is typically cheaper than home remodeling because … Read more

If your doors “stick” or simply won’t close properly, then there are a couple of possible problems.  The door may not have been installed properly.  An experienced handyman or contractor can diagnose the problem and fix them with some added shims or an adjustment to the hinges.  Another possibility is that the foundation could have … Read more

Whether you have a newer home, or an older one, eventually you will consider remodeling your home or adding a room addition to give your house an updated face lift.   Most people don’t know where to begin when considering a  home remodeling project.  The majority of my clients are in the Alamo Heights and Terrell … Read more

Building an extra room to your house can be a bit more complicated than you think.  The first thing you need to do is look at the Property Survey (or Plat) and see what the building setbacks are.   Building Setbacks tell you where you are not allowed to build.  Look for any type of Easements … Read more

Let me start by asking you a question:  What kind of remodeling project are you considering?  If you are doing something small like replacing your counter-tops or cabinets then the answer is: No.  If you are taking on a major remodeling project like renovating an entire kitchen or adding on a room addition, then the … Read more

Remodeling your home should be exciting. The reality is it can be very stressful if you are not prepared and don’t do research before you begin your home remodel. In fact, for many people remodeling is nothing but frustration. Chances are they are people who didn’t think their project through as well as they could … Read more

If you are reading this, you are probably considering remodeling your home.  Load-bearing walls always run perpendicular to the ceiling joists of your home.  Ceiling joist can be easily identified as what your sheetrock is nailed to.  Take a look up in your attic and see for yourself.  Insulation will be between them.  A joist … Read more

  Whether you have a newer home, or an older one, eventually you will consider a home remodel to give your place a an updated face lift. I just finished meeting with a new client in Alamo Heights and she had lived in the home for 20 years.  She loved her home and didn’t want … Read more

Sounds a bit crazy, but the reason is the paint forms a seal around the lid.  This will help the paint last longer when you store it.  Just make sure to place a mat, plastic wrap, cardboard or drop cloth on the bottom in case it leaks a bit (which it might).  Also, storing them … Read more

Most people don’t pay an attention to their Water Heater or know where it is located in the house.  Your water heater uses about 14-25% of your electric bill.  I call it the Rodney Dangerfield of appliances because it typically “gets no respect.”  It is constantly working even when you are not at home, on … Read more