Whether you have a newer home, or an older one, eventually you will consider a home remodel to give your place a an updated face lift. I just finished meeting with a new client in Alamo Heights and she had lived in the home for 20 years.  She loved her home and didn’t want to move, but was tired of  her old kitchen.  I explained that it will not be an easy process, and will definitely include time, money and labor. But don’t worry, as you will find that all the work put into it will pay off.

Here are some tips and information for home remodeling you might need to know about:

First Things First

Before you make any sort of purchase for your home remodeling project, you need to make sure that you have enough money to start and complete the project. How will you pay for this project?  Do you need to apply for loan?  Balance out your finances, even make a checklist. Evaluate how much it is going to cost to purchase the material and hire help if needed. If things balance out, then you have the green light to move ahead with your home remodeling. Try to avoid getting into debt or having any unrealistic expectations; be sensible.  I am building a room addition for a client here in San Antonio, Texas and I have to keep reminding them that time they change their minds, it costs money.  Sticking to the budget is VERY important. Our average room addition is approximately $120,000.


The next step should be figuring out how you want to remodel your home. Remember, home remodeling is not about what the modern trends of home remodeling are; it’s about what fits your personality and style. That being said, please keep in mind that you might not live here forever, so try to appeal to the masses.  Go friends homes who have remodeling (ask questions), walk through show rooms and get a feel for what you want. It will also help to walk through your house, going through each room and taking a mental picture of what might work and what will not. After you know what you want, configure a plan, and begin looking for contractors to help you.

It’s Time to Get Started

After the money is budgeted and you’ve made a plan for your remodeling project, its time to get to work. Home remodeling is not a quick process, it will take some time. So, you need to make sure that you take a little time once in awhile during the process to monitor the progression of the project(s). During this time it is also important to monitor finances, making sure that you are not overspending.  Every dollar spent counts!

The above are the most important steps to keep in mind when moving forward with a home remodeling or room addition project. You need to work out your finances, make sure you have enough money, plan out what you want done, and get reputable help to aid you in your home remodeling. As said before, it is a long and tiring process, but the results will definitely be worth the hard work and effort.