Demo a house or addition in San Antonio

Room addition demolition San Antonio

Do you have a house, shed, room addition or building that needs to be demolished in Alamo Heights ? We offer residential demolition services in Alamo Heights, TX 78209.   We can help make it disappear.  Rhino Design Build is fully licensed and insured to make your eyesore go way.  Since we pull permits for all of our demolition projects in San Antonio, there will be a series of hoops we must jump through in order to get a demolition permit.  CPS and Historic District are a couple of the major agencies that we have to get approval from in order to knock down a structure in San Antonio.  We also have plumbers and electricians that make the building safe before any demolition take place.  Depending on the building location, we also may have make plans to block off a portion of the street for the duration of the demolition project.  We also haul away and dispose of all demolished building materials, unless you plan on donating doors, windows, wood to Habit for Humanity.